
African nations seek funds as cost of climate change rises
From drought to cyclones and sea level rise, the cost of damage caused by climate change in Africa will only get higher as the world warms, stirring concerns from activists and officials about how to pay for it.
Swine, seed art and solar: State Fair offers chance to learn about climate solutions
Minnesota farmers weren’t just eyeing the latest tractors on display at the State Fair this year. Many made their way over to the Eco Building to ask how they can rent their land out to solar developers.
The crisis in Jackson shows how climate change is threatening water supplies
Historic flooding and record droughts are stressing water systems across the country, and experts warn that with climate change intensifying the crisis in Jackson, Miss., may be just the beginning.
Droughts are hitting cattle ranchers hard — and that could make beef more expensive
Severe drought is forcing some ranchers to send cattle to slaughter early. That's sparked a temporary glut in beef that's leading to lower prices, but it won't last.
Data centers, backbone of the digital economy, face water scarcity and climate risk
About 20 percent of data centers in the United States already rely on watersheds that are under moderate to high stress from drought and other factors. However, few companies are talking about the issue.