Environmental News

MPR News is your source for environment news from Minnesota and across the country.

Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Climate Cast

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Tractor could tap brush for renewable energy
Supporters of the BioBaler, above, hope to prove that hundreds of thousands of acres of brushland across northern and central Minnesota might become a renewable source of carbon-neutral energy while creating better wildlife habitat.
Millions of people worldwide were switching off lights and appliances for an hour from 8:30 p.m. in a gesture to highlight environmental concerns and to call for a binding pact to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Population of bees declining sharply
It was not a good winter for honey bees. Scientists have noted a sharp drop in the number of honey bees in the Unites States for the last four years.
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board is removing 15 trees infested with emerald ash borer and another 25 suspected of being infested with the invasive beetle.
Greening urban architecture
A radical architect has ideas on promoting environmentalism in cities with stackable cars and homes built into trees. He also says "sustainable" is not a good enough word to describe his goals for buildings.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is temporarily closing trails in several state forests to off-highway vehicle travel because of wet and sloppy conditions.