Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Climate Cast

Listen to Climate Cast, the MPR News podcast all about our changing climate and its impact in Minnesota and worldwide.

Minnesota schools seek ways to reduce garbage
About a half-million pounds of used Kleenex, juice boxes, worn out sneakers and the mystery-meat casserole judged inedible by half the third grade lands in wastebaskets, garbage cans and recycling bins in Minnesota public schools.
The last time the world warmed, 120,000 years ago, the Cancun coastline was swamped by a 7-foot rise in sea level in a few decades. A week from now at that Mexican resort, frustrated negotiators will try again to head off a new global deluge.
Over 50 experts and decision-makers are expected to gather in Duluth on Wednesday to talk about managing stormwater in a region known for steep slopes, impenetrable rock layers and clay soils.