Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Let skeeters feed on you for science? Welcome to front lines of mosquito control
At the Salt Lake City Mosquito Abatement District, working on the front lines of mosquito control can be a prickly job. A technician volunteered to stick her arm into a glass tank to give scores of the insects a chance to feed on her blood. It was all in the name of sustaining a species important for research.
Phoenix has set another heat record by hitting 110 degrees on 54 days this year
On Saturday, it was the 54th day this year that the official reading at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport hit 110 degrees, eclipsing the previous record set in 2020. The hot streak could reach 55 days.
Water hookups come to Alaska Yup'ik village, and residents are thrilled to ditch their honey buckets
The arrival of indoor plumbing in an Alaska village is a godsend for residents who can now turn on a tap for their drinking water or start a machine to do their laundry. But most of all, they're grateful to say goodbye to the “honey bucket” — the humble indoor pail that provided relief in homes without plumbing. 
Future of controversial Dakota Access pipeline's river crossing remains unclear
Federal officials released a draft environmental review of the pipeline, but said they're waiting for more input before deciding the future of the line's river crossing in North Dakota.
Some yellow school buses are turning green this school year
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is expanding its electric school bus program using three million dollars from the state’s settlement with Volkswagen over exaggerated fuel efficiency claims.
CO2 pipeline project denied key permit in South Dakota; another seeks second chance in North Dakota
South Dakota regulators have denied a construction permit to a carbon dioxide pipeline project. Navigator CO2 Ventures wants to build a 1,300-mile pipeline network.
Court dog Nova helps ease victims' trauma
Nova, a 6-year-old trained facility dog, recently made state history when she accompanied a young victim of sexual abuse as she testified on the witness stand.