Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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How gas utilities used tobacco tactics to avoid gas stove regulations
Gas stoves emit potentially harmful pollutants, but utilities and their trade group avoided regulation with tactics perfected by the tobacco industry to cast doubt on science showing health problems.
To rein in climate change, Biden pledges $7 billion to regional 'hydrogen hubs'
President Joe Biden announced billions of federal dollars for the creation of regional hydrogen hubs across the country. Hydrogen could be a climate-friendly alternative to fossil fuels.
Biden awards $7 billion for clean hydrogen hubs across the country to help replace fossil fuels
The Biden administration has selected clean-energy projects from Minnesota to California for a $7 billion program to kickstart development and production of hydrogen fuel.
Families flock to Richfield backyard for 'duck encounters'
In one Richfield backyard, there isn’t your usual lawn furniture or swing set. Instead, there’s a royal blue, pink and turquoise hand-painted duck coop, multiple miniature swimming pools and a garden featuring one of the Heinen fowls’ favorites: tomatoes.
Follow Minnesota's green transition with MPR News Getting to Green series
Minnesota leaders set an ambitious goal to be carbon-neutral by 2050. What will it take to carry out Minnesota’s green energy transition? Here at MPR News we’re tracking Minnesota’s clean energy progress, in a series called Getting to Green.