Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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ESG investing rule presents early test on limits of U.S. agency powers
A challenge to a Biden administration rule allowing socially conscious investing by employee retirement plans will present an early test of how courts will scrutinize federal regulations after the U.S. Supreme Court said they no longer have to defer to the expertise of the agencies that issued them.
Can ‘wolf haters’ and ‘wolf lovers’ talk without howling?
As controversy once again swirls around wolf management in Minnesota, two educational groups continue their work to insert science into the debate around wolves without dismissing people’s fears.
Rapidan Dam partial failure sent more than a century’s worth of sediment pollution downstream
Rapidan Dam’s partial failure sent an estimated 11.6 million cubic yards of sediment downstream. Experts are worried about its ecological impacts and say it could take years to fully understand them.
Cats on leashes ... yes, it’s a thing
For some cats, leashed walks “can certainly create environmental enrichment, get them some more exercise,” says veterinarian Grace Cater. Other cats? Not so much.
As heat waves intensify, more public housing residents may get help with AC bills
For decades, public housing providers could subsidize heating bills but not air-conditioning. New Biden administration guidance changes that, but critics say it doesn’t go far enough.
To save spotted owls, officials plan to kill a half-million of another owl species
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service strategy is meant to prop up declining spotted owl populations in Oregon, Washington and California by killing barred owls that have encroached into their territory.