On Campus Blog

Duluth among most scenic U.S. college towns
Duluth, home to campuses such as the University of Minnesota- Duluth, The College of St. Scholastica and Lake Superior College, has been named among America’s 10 Most Scenic College Towns by DreamPlanGo. Here’s what it had this to say about the town: Minnesota’s beloved North Shore city is situated on the southern tip of Lake Superior. Read more →
JPMorgan to stop making student loans: The biggest U.S. bank concluded that competition from federal government programs and increased scrutiny from regulators had limited its ability to expand the business. (Reuters via Slate) Court Upholds Speech Rights of Public University Professors A public university professor had a First Amendment right to criticize the management of his school, a federal Read more →
Concerns that St. John’s prez has with Obama’s college ratings proposal
St. John’s University President Michael Hemesath writes on his Quad 136 blog how the Obama administration’s recent plan to rank colleges on yet-to-be-determined metrics seems problematic: How will a rankings system affect incentives for colleges and universities? If retention becomes key, for example, there will be an obvious incentive for schools to avoid admitting students Read more →
A few start-of-school photos that Minnesota colleges are posting
I’m a chump for seasonal Minnesota campus photos, so I thought I’d share a few I’ve run across on Twitter. Here’s an aerial view of the University of St. Thomas. Dig those colors. Hamline University has gathered its newest crop of Pipers: The sky was “on fire” over Augsburg College the other night: And here Read more →
US explores how to increase diversity without prejudice Universities are seeking alternatives to race-conscious admissions policy. (Times Higher Education) Rise Is Seen in Students Who Use E-Cigarettes The increased popularity of e-cigarettes among middle and high school students is prompting concerns that the devices could be creating new health problems. (The New York Times) Why We Need Read more →
University of Minnesota’s deal with TCF Bank questioned
The University of Minnesota is front and center in a national news piece that questions the multimillion-dollar agreements between universities and banks. The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is looking into the deals to see whether they’re unfair to students. The suspicion is that the big banks are heavy-handed with overdraft charges, for example, and Read more →
How the new Tommie president sees her role
University of St. Thomas President Julie Sullivan tells MPR’s Cathy Wurzer what challenge she faces being the university’s first president who’s not a priest:   “When I chat to some of our female students or some of our retired female faculty, I realize I really have a special responsibility to be an effective role model, Read more →
What a 53-year-old journalist found when he went back to the U
Back in January, MinnPost media writer David Brauer announced publicly that at 53, he was heading back to the University of Minnesota to finish the degree he’d started more than 30 years ago. Brauer had made a few pit stops on his trip through higher ed. He spent three semesters at the University of Rochester in Read more →
How many immigrants have taken advantage of the state Dream Act?
State Office of Higher Education Director Larry Pogemiller gives his reaction in the Minnesota Daily to OHE data showing that so far 160 unauthorized immigrants — instead of the 600-plus that had been estimated publicly — have applied for tuition- and aid breaks under the recently passed Minnesota Dream Act: “I think internally we always Read more →