On Campus Blog

A few start-of-school photos that Minnesota colleges are posting

I'm a chump for seasonal Minnesota campus photos, so I thought I'd share a few I've run across on Twitter.

Here's an aerial view of the University of St. Thomas. Dig those colors.

University of St. Thomas (xxx)

Hamline University has gathered its newest crop of Pipers:

(via xxxx)

The sky was "on fire" over Augsburg College the other night:

(juneonefive via Instagram)

And here spookylauren marveled at the view from Minnesota Community and Technical College:

(spookylauren via Instagram)

Dakota County Technical College decided to go retro. Here's how its sign at the campus entrance used to look years ago. Judging from the clothes and hair, I'm guessing it's from the 1980s or early '90s:

(@dctc via Twitter)

And here's how it looks now:

(@dctc via Twitter)

Feel free to send me more.