On Campus Blog

Universities can look more selective by how they count student applications Internal university data obtained by The Washington Post show that more than 1,100 applications for the class of 2016 at the private Virginia school — roughly one out of every six — were never completed. The files were missing required elements such as teacher recommendations Read more →
Supporters to hold rally tomorrow for UMN coach Jerry Kill
Supporters of University of Minnesota football coach Jerry Kill plan to rally tomorrow morning before the Gopher’s game to back him. Kill suffered a seizure at last Saturday’s game against Western Illinois University, which the Gophers went on to win 29 to 12. Some sportswriters have questioned whether Kill is fit to hold his job. Read more →
What a legislator told MCTC students about textbook costs, credit transfers
At a listening session yesterday at Minneapolis Community and Technical College, political-science sophomore Nate Krautz asked Sen. Terri Bonoff what legislators have done to curb the escalating cost of textbooks. The Minnetonka DFLer who chairs the Higher Education Committee replied that lawmakers did address the problem last session — and wanted to address it even Read more →
A Gustie’s strange internship experience in China
Gustavus Adolphus College‘s website describes what happened when senior history major Keenan Madson arrived for an internship this summer to work with historians and engineers at Chime-long Paradise, the largest amusement park in China: Upon arriving at Chime-long, Madson was handed a theatrical candy cane-striped costume and told to greet park attendants at the entrance. Read more →
Adrian College to make student loan payments for low-earning grads Starting with next year’s freshman class — as well as first-year or second-year transfer students — the private Michigan college promises to make up to all of a student’s loan payment if he or she earns less than $20,000 and up to $37,000 annually. (Detroit Free Read more →
Five Minnesota two-year colleges to split $20 million for training programs
This announcement just in: Sens. Klobuchar, Franken and Reps. Peterson, McCollum, Walz, Nolan Announce $20 Million to Help Minnesota Community & Technical Colleges Grants Will Fund Development and Expansion of Innovative Training Programs for High-Demand Fields  Today, U.S. Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Al Franken (D-Minn.) and Reps. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.), Betty McCollum (D-Minn.), Tim Walz Read more →
What people are saying about the U’s agreement with Teach for America
Ph.D student Erin Dyke of the University of Minnesota‘s College of Education, tells MPR reporter Tim Post how she feels about the U’s agreement to start an alternative teacher-prep program with Teach for America:   “We’re all feeling pretty angry and agitated and ready to dig our heels in for the long haul. We don’t Read more →
How one University of Minnesota professor crowdsourced the answer to a higher-ed question
For those academics unfamiliar with crowdsourcing, here’s an example to get your juices flowing: University of Minnesota chemistry professor Chris Cramer recently went on Twitter to ask what math requirements were for chemistry majors at other schools:   He then collected the international collection of tweeted replies on Storify, which you can find here. If Read more →
How a U student reacted when housed with a gay-friendly community
A University of Minnesota freshman — who’d been raised Catholic in the suburbs — recently contacted the Pioneer Press‘ Watchdog writer to say she was upset at having been randomly assigned to a room in which she’d share a communal bathroom with lesbians. “I’ve never been around it. All of a sudden, they just put you in Read more →
Colleges slash tuition to avoid sticker shock Worried about scaring away cost-conscious students, some small private colleges are “resetting” tuition levels. Others worry that families judge price as a mark of quality. (USA Today)  How Can We Keep Public Universities Accessible? What should be done about how schools are using their financial aid? With budget cutbacks, how Read more →