On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Obamacare, textbooks, and MOOCs in Europe

Universities can look more selective by how they count student applications Internal university data obtained by The Washington Post show that more than 1,100 applications for the class of 2016 at the private Virginia school — roughly one out of every six — were never completed. The files were missing required elements such as teacher recommendations or test scores, raising questions about how many of them were seriously considered for admission. (The Washington Post)

European Universities Catch the Online Wave Massive Online Open Courses, or MOOCs, are catching on in Europe as universities look to cut costs and reach out to a wider audience. (The New York Times)

Ad campaign aims to scare college students about Obamacare A Virginia-based youth organization with financial ties to the right-wing billionaire Koch brothers has launched an ad campaign to scare college students about Obamacare so much that  they “opt out” of the health-care law and don’t sign up for health insurance. (The Washington Post)

Back to the basics: Studies show students prefer physical textbooks Despite e-books’ various advantages, studies show students’ enthusiasm for traditional textbooks is growing. (USA Today)

Why College Rankings May Increase College Costs Regardless of whether President Obama’s proposed rating system for colleges based on affordability and performance becomes reality (I expect ratings to appear in 2015, but not have a great deal of meaning), his announcement has affected the higher education community. (Washington Monthly)