On Campus Blog

Some fall photos of Minnesota college campuses
Nothing like fall weather to get the scholarly juices flowing — and put you in the mood for a stroll around campus and the surrounding neighborhoods. Here are some shots I’ve noticed on Twitter and Instagram over the past few weeks. Feel free to send links to more if you have ‘em.
How friendly are MN campus dining halls to vegan students?
It’s a debut effort and includes few details, but the animal-rights group Peta2 has just released a report card on how accommodating colleges and universities are to vegans. One of the two Minnesota “A” earners is no surprise — “A” St. Olaf College, which is renowned for its cafeteria. But the University of Minnesota – Read more →
St. Thomas professor possible figure in sex lawsuit, takes leave
It’s a story with few details so far, but a popular University of St. Thomas professor, the Rev. Michael Keating, has taken a leave of absence. Several hours after the the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis made the announcement yesterday, an attorney made his own announcement — that he plans to file a lawsuit Read more →
Tapping the Potential of Graduate Ties As public funding for European universities steadily tightens — and higher education becomes more international — administrators are dedicating increasing amounts of time and resources to tracing and contacting former students. (The New York Times) Who’s running U.S. higher ed? Increasingly, foundations  Philanthropic foundations’ money — combined with the relative inertia Read more →
How would you cite a tweet about the raid on Osama bin Laden?
The Star Tribune writes that the day of the scholarly citation of tweets is coming — and an accepted style is developing. Here’s an example, according to the paper: Say you’re writing about terrorism and want to cite the guy who accidentally tweeted the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound. MLA suggests the following: Athar, Read more →
Schools need to stop scamming students via internships Several universities require that students pay to get internship credit hours over the summer, just as they would for a summer session class. But instead of going to summer school, students are forced to pay for their unpaid internship. (USA Today) Coached Through College: Professional Motivators Decrease Dropout Read more →
Why is that person in my Augsburg College bathroom?
If you walk into an Augsburg College bathroom today and find members of the opposite sex in there, don’t be alarmed. It’s Gender Neutral Bathroom Day, and the college has made the vast majority of its common-area bathrooms open to both men and women. The event is part of Augsburg’s annual “Coming Out Week,” which Read more →
A few of the trials and rewards of medicine at the U of M
Aaron Friedman, University of Minnesota medical school dean and VP of health sciences, had a few nuggets for today’s Board of Regents overview of academic medicine: On how long it takes to see the effects of changes made to the medical school and academic medicine in general: “The pipeline is long. For the average decision Read more →
Caffeinated Coke mistakenly sold from BYU vending machine Caffeine is frowned upon by the Mormon church, which owns BYU, but a delivery person accidentally loaded the machine up with the caffeinated version of the soda on Tuesday. (UPI) Jesuit Campus to End Coverage for Elective Abortions The trustees of Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles voted to drop Read more →