On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Foundations, European alumni and academic inbreeding

Tapping the Potential of Graduate Ties As public funding for European universities steadily tightens — and higher education becomes more international — administrators are dedicating increasing amounts of time and resources to tracing and contacting former students. (The New York Times)

Who’s running U.S. higher ed? Increasingly, foundations  Philanthropic foundations' money — combined with the relative inertia of government and the higher-education establishment itself — has made them huge players in setting policy for the institutions that graduate the nation’s future workers and leaders. (The Hechinger Report)

Are men's centers essential for college campuses? With female students outnumbering men on college campuses, are men's emotional needs being forgotten in the demographic shift? (USA Today via NAICU)

Few colleges check applicants' social media posts Yet some students are so cautious that they won't even follow the Facebook page of a college they care about because it could let the college see their information. (SFGate via Education Dive)

Understanding the pros and cons of academic inbreeding It is perceived as damaging to academia. Yet its definition has been often misunderstood. (University World News)