On Campus Blog

For returning veterans, back-to-school brings new battles – and not enough help When veterans come home from war and try to put their lives back together, there’s often a giant missing link in their transition: Clear advice on getting back to school and managing the next phase of their education. (The Hechinger Report) Thousands of People Read more →
Students growing wary after man poses as cop, sexually assaults student
University of Minnesota students say they’re unnerved by a recent rash of crimes — especially a sexual assault Sunday in which the man appears to have posed as a uniformed officer. The early-morning assault prompted the third crime alert for the university community since the attempted daylight robbery of a student in Anderson Hall on Read more →
Survey suggests MOOCs are failing to educate the poor Massive open online courses (MOOCs) may not be reaching the poor, but instead be catering to the rich and well-educated in developing nations, research shows. (SciDevNet) Depressed Family Income Spells Trouble For Colleges, Moody’s Warns More than 40 percent of U.S. public universities and nonprofit colleges face lower Read more →
MCTC instructor: I was reprimanded for how I handled a discrimination debate
A classroom confrontation between a black Minneapolis Community and Technical College English instructor and three white male students has reportedly resulted in a reprimand for the teacher. According to a news video by City College News, 38-year-old Shannon Gibney was leading a class discussion about structural racism during her Intro to Mass Communication course when Read more →
How will the Federal Reserve Bank ruckus affect the U?
MPR News reporter Annie Baxter writes how a shakeup in the research department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis that ousted two economists — both University of Minnesota professors — may have implications for the U. She writes that critics are questioning the future of the special relationship between the regional bank and the U’s Read more →
University president: Can anyone differ with Arne Duncan ‘without being dismissed as silly’? It’s certainly not silly that plenty of people who actually do know what they’re talking about have raised numerous legitimate issues about the ability of this government to implement a collegiate rating system based on some pretty dubious data. (The Washington Post) Frequent Tests Read more →
Why would a MnSCU school lose students to help other campuses?
Tom Weber of MPR News’ Daily Circuit asks Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system Chancellor Steven Rosenstone why, in a system that generally pegs funding to headcount, would campuses want to coordinate academic programs if it meant losing students? Rosenstone’s reply: “Well, that’s the fundamental question. And I think one of the things the Read more →
St. Cloud State prez: How internal competition is hurting us
In covering MnSCU’s Charting the Future report — which calls for less competition and more cooperation among campuses — I found my conversation with St. Cloud State University President Earl Potter quite helpful. He’s a plain speaker who was able to cut through the administrative and educational jargon in the report. And he was frank Read more →
Are you a college “stopout?” New study says you might be Florida State study of 38,000 community college students — which make up 45% of undergraduates — found 94% “stopout” at least once. (USA Today) Nobel Prize Winner In Medicine Is Telling Students Not To Stay In America James Rothman, who won the prize in medicine, believes Read more →
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities trustees have approved potentially sweeping changes to how their colleges and universities do business. Leaders of the 31 MnSCU schools are being told to stop competing so much with each other for students — and start cooperating to an extent not seen before. They’ll need to rethink the academic programs Read more →