On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Patents, stopouts and JFK’s college application

Are you a college "stopout?" New study says you might be Florida State study of 38,000 community college students — which make up 45% of undergraduates — found 94% "stopout" at least once. (USA Today)

Nobel Prize Winner In Medicine Is Telling Students Not To Stay In America James Rothman, who won the prize in medicine, believes that the cuts make the U.S. unable to retain the world's top young scientists. In fact, he said he now tells his students to go abroad. (Business Insider)

JFK’s Harvard application (with essay) and other school records Here’s a look at something about Kennedy that hasn’t got much attention: his education. (The Washington Post)

Patenting Their Discoveries Does Not Pay Off for Most Universities, a Study Says Research universities have “technology transfer” offices that make thousands of business deals annually for the use of their patents. But in any given year, at about seven of eight universities, the resulting revenue funneled into university budgets is not even enough to cover the cost of running that office. (The New York Times)

Online Courses Attract Degree Holders, Survey Finds About 80 percent of people who enrolled in a massive open online course, or MOOC, from the University of Pennsylvania had already earned a bachelor’s degree. (The New York Times)