On Campus Blog

Sweeping higher ed overhaul The Education Department’s regulatory machine will be churning at high speed for the next year, with results that could affect which for-profit colleges get federal financial aid, whether parents can easily get loans for their children’s college education and how colleges and programs like Teach for America prepare teachers for the classroom. (Politico via Read more →
College’s diminishing returns The problem isn’t only that higher education is unaffordable to many but that even at our highest-ranked colleges and universities, students aren’t getting much bang for their buck. (The Seattle Times via University Business) US Government Bans Coursera in Iran, Sudan and Cuba Not coincidentally, these countries are under US economic sanction, prohibiting any American Read more →
U of M to keep race in alerts, pledges cooperation with black community
University of Minnesota officials say they will continue to include race in the description of suspects in their crime alerts. Last month after a spike in robberies — which involved suspects described as black — several African-American campus organizations asked the U to stop including references to race in the alerts. They said the descriptions Read more →
Macalester among 20 colleges with the smartest students
How do you figure out which colleges have the smartest students? Not by comparing standardized test scores, figured one researcher at Luminosity. From Business Insider: He and his team tested 60,000 students at over 400 colleges and universities to play games that measured various cognitive skills including attention, memory, speed of processing, problem solving, and Read more →
Half of Today’s 27-Year-Olds Are More Than $10,000 in Debt The average 27-year-old is actually pretty limited in his choices. (Washington Monthly) Fever may be cooling in number of college applications; essays not as crucial, report finds The panic in the college application process may be easing a bit. (Los Angeles Times) A Conversation With: Salman Khan Turned Read more →
How will light rail affect University of Minnesota campus safety?
University of Minnesota officials have been wondering how the June opening of three light-rail stations near the Minneapolis campus will affect campus safety. During this past fall’s spike in robberies, campus police noted that many of those committing the robberies didn’t come from Minneapolis, but from metro-area suburbs. And that was during a time when, Read more →
College endowments Harvard University tops this study of college endowments covers the fiscal year 2013 and was released Jan. 28. (The Washington Post) Transgender activists fight for gender-neutral bathrooms Seventy percent of transgender survey respondents in Washington, D.C., reported being physically or verbally abused in bathrooms in a 2013 study released by the Williams Institute at the UCLA School Read more →
Minneapolis police to add seven officers to patrol U of M neighborhoods
The University of Minnesota and Minneapolis police are taking more steps that they say will increase safety in the neighborhoods around the Twin Cities campus. Minneapolis Police Chief Janee Harteau said Tuesday the department is beefing up its presence around the University of Minnesota. The move comes after a fall semester that saw an uptick Read more →