On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Abused vets, Jewish holidays and American grading

Sweeping higher ed overhaul The Education Department’s regulatory machine will be churning at high speed for the next year, with results that could affect which for-profit colleges get federal financial aid, whether parents can easily get loans for their children’s college education and how colleges and programs like Teach for America prepare teachers for the classroom. (Politico via NAICU)

Feds Launch Online Complaint Portal for Vets Abused By For-Profit Colleges The new complaint system follows from the President's April 2012 executive order requiring stronger protections for veterans against deceptive recruiting and other misconduct by educational institutions. (The Huffington Post)

Harvard business dean apologizes for sexism on campus In a rather remarkable admission, the dean of the Harvard Business School apologized for the way the school has treated female students and teachers over its 50-year-old history and promised to remedy the problem. (The Washington Post)

UC shortens winter break for Jewish holidays, results in anti-semitic backlash The decision by UC to shorten winter break to 2 weeks to respect Jewish holidays and religious diversity results in anti-jewish remarks on social media. (USA Today)

The Americanization of British Higher Education In an attempt to improve the British grading system, 21 universities started to experiment iwith an American-style grade-point average in hopes that it would be a better evaluation of students’ efforts and help solve grade inflation and other problems. (The New York Times/The Chronicle of Higher Education)