Education News

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Plenty of talk is out there about how young people are leaving small towns, like those in our state. Authors of a new book called "Hollowing Out The Middle" have sent out an alarm for leaders of local communities to heed: You are letting young people slip away.
Brain drain in rural America
Sociologists Patrick Carr and Maria Kefalas spent two years in a small town in Iowa trying to find out why so many young people are leaving rural America. What they found was that many small towns are playing a role in their own demise, by pushing the best and brightest to leave and under-investing in those who stay.
Voters in northern Minnesota have narrowly approved a $78 million construction plan for the St. Louis County school district, including closing four aging schools and building two new ones.
Aid cushions blow of state tuition hikes
The average yearly tuition at Minnesota's public and private colleges has gone up 82 percent in the last decade. However, increases in financial aid have cushioned the blow of those tuition increases in Minnesota.
At their meeting Thursday, the University of Minnesota Board of Regents will hear how the state's budget deficit could affect funding for the university.