Education News

MPR News keeps track of the latest education news in Minnesota so you can understand the events shaping the future of learning and how it impacts students at any level.

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National Institute on Media and the Family closing its doors
A Minneapolis nonprofit run by parenting expert David Walsh is closing due to lack of funding. The National Institute on Media and the Family, which is nationally known, has fought for safe video games and television shows for children.
Rural school districts using 4-day weeks to save funds
Leaders in three rural Minnesota school districts are giving high marks to a big change they made this year -- four-day weeks. The districts say they're saving money with the move, but not enough to solve their budget woes.
Why do so many college students drop out?
More and more college students hold jobs while they carry at least a part-time class schedule and increasingly that work conflicts with college to the point students feel that they have to drop out, a new study finds.
When work comes before college
More and more college students hold jobs while they carry at least a part-time class schedule and increasingly that work conflicts with college to the point students feel that they have to drop out, a new study finds.
'Virtual schools' gain popularity in Duluth
With the radio playing softly in the background and munching on spoonfuls of noodles and cheese, Maria Vespa sat at her family's kitchen counter to take her geography mid-term on a recent afternoon.
Vets mark 65th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge
This week marks the 65th anniversary of the start of Battle of the Bulge. It was the huge offensive mounted by the German High Command in the waning days of World War II. Some 19,000 U.S. troops died in the battle which was fought in the depths of one of the worst winters in years in Europe.
Gustavus Adolphus College recently received a three-year $155,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to improve the teaching of sustainable energy in its laboratories.
Evaluating Obama's first year in office
National Public Radio's Juan Williams joins Midday to discuss what President Barack Obama has accomplished, and where he's fallen short, during the first year of his presidency.