Education News

MPR News keeps track of the latest education news in Minnesota so you can understand the events shaping the future of learning and how it impacts students at any level.

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College graduation gap is still wide for minorities
Many colleges are recruiting and enrolling more underrepresented minority students, but a recent report shows that these students are not graduating at as high rates as their peers. Midmorning asks what kind of policy and cultural changes could help these students succeed.
We finally have a look at the 16 people who will help the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system find the replacement for Chancellor James H. McCormick, who is retiring next year after a decade in the position. The people announced today are: Travis Johnson, president of the Minnesota State College Student Association; Andrew Spaeth, state…
Columnist Ross Douthat says they feel left out of the elite college game. If such universities are trying to create an elite as diverse as the nation it inhabits, they should remember that there’s more to diversity than skin color — and that both their school and their country might be better off if they…
Wikimedia Commons Pro-DREAM Act poster A number of college presidents are speaking out nationally for federal legislation that would let as many as 1.5 million undocumented students become legal if they meet certain conditions — such as study or military service. They’re backing the DREAM Act, which for years has floated around Congress in various versions…
Tim Post, MPR Union field rep Laurie Johnson vents her spleen over college executive bonuses. Union workers, hacked off that executives of Minnesota’s state colleges and universities could get another round of annual fall bonuses, tried to put the squeeze on a trustee meeting in St. Paul today. As the chiefs met upstairs, about 40 people chanted on the corner…
I’ve been wanting to develop a how-to on federal loans, but for now Strib’s Money blogger has a little post about the FAFSA form and financial aid. Notice the part about income-based repayment, which supposedly sets the amount owed each month to a person’s income. Also notice that starting this month, students are dealing directly…
Law enforcement officials Monday cited the president of Hill-Murray School with misdemeanor indecent conduct for an incident that occurred last week in St. Paul park. School officials aren't saying much about the future of Joseph Peschges, who was relieved of his duties after his arrest.