Education News

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U-Minn. prez backs official who pulled film
The University of Minnesota president is heading off calls for the sacking of the U official at the center of the Troubled Waters flap. While off in Morocco, Robert Bruininks issued a statement supporting Vice President of University Relations Karen Himle, whose scalp is wanted by the Land Stewardship Project because of how she has…
New research suggests filling school lunch trays with locally grown foods isn't just good for students' health. It's also good for the local economy.
8 things that stop being cool after college
For those just out of school — or with a year to go — chalk this up as advice on making that transition into the real world a little more graceful. Below is the abridged version of what you’ll find in The Huffington Post about the 8 things that are no longer cool after college:…
How to digitize textbooks yourself
For those with way more time than money — and a tolerance for tedium — here’s a condensed list of ways to digitize textbooks when you can’t find the e-book versions. Beware, though: Some of this is for geeks only. Option #1: Textbook Scanning Services There are several online services that will scan a textbook…
“I did very poorly in high school for a variety of reasons, and was told I wasn’t college material. A few years later, I took a chance and went to City College of San Francisco–which I could pay for myself with my minimum wage job. … It was life changing: I went on to CalState…
Matthew Greenfield: Are For-Profit Colleges Evil? I now look in a different way at diplomas from for-profit institutions: Instead of seeing something that is not prestigious, I see something earned by the stubborn, disciplined, even heroic persistence of a working adult. (Huffington Post) Bruininks talks football, light-rail lawsuit, goals for final year as University president…
Student default rates are at a 10-year high. People now owe more on student loans than they do on their credit cards. What does this mean for students and parents? How should they cope with that if they're planning for their education - or already trying to pay it off?
The crowd of MPR News Cut readers has spoken: Show the darn film already. So far, 9 in 10 voters in Bob Collins’ poll say the U should hurry up and show the environmental film Troubled Waters — or someone should slip the media a bootleg copy. Collins also comments on a Strib article about…
Twin Cities Daily Planet reporter Molly Priesmeyer on Monday viewed Troubled Waters, the environmental film that has been mysteriously yanked by the University of Minnesota at the last minute. The U has said that the film was delayed out of concern that it might not be up to snuff scientifically. Meanwhile, some ag deans have…
St. Cloud's latest options for sports cuts
anneh632 via Flickr Still not lookin’ great for St. Cloud State football Saint Cloud State President Earl H. Potter III, who has considered cutting a number of sports — including football — from the university’s budget, has presented three financial scenarios he’ll consider as a way to fill a projected $500,000 budget gap. The full…