Crime, Law and Justice

Trump's charity admits to violating IRS self-dealing ban
President-elect Donald Trump's charity has admitted that it violated IRS regulations barring it from using its money or assets to benefit Trump, his family, his companies or substantial contributors to the foundation.
How Heinrich could end up in civil commitment
Danny Heinrich, the man who abducted, assaulted and then killed Jacob Wetterling in 1989, is 53 years old, which means he may very well be alive after his 20-year sentence is for the crime is up.
Maplewood police officers challenge body camera policy in lawsuit
A first-of-its-kind lawsuit filed Friday, the unions for Maplewood police officers argued that parts of the policy should have been devised though collective bargaining instead of being imposed by city and department leaders.
'Truly sorry for my evil acts': Jacob Wetterling's killer gets 20 years
In heart-rending detail, Jacob's family on Monday told a judge of the damage Danny Heinrich had done to them and others. Prosecutors said Heinrich wasn't repentant despite his words.