Crime, Law and Justice

Hate crimes were most often not reported because they were handled some other way, the federal report said. But people also did not come forward because they didn't feel it was important or that police would help, according to the report.
Cardinal takes leave from Vatican after sex assault charges
Cardinal George Pell appeared before reporters in the Vatican press office to forcefully deny the accusations, denounce what he called a "relentless character assassination" in the media and announce he would return to Australia to clear his name.
The justices on Tuesday left in place lower court rulings that said Amir Meshal can't go forward with his lawsuit because the alleged conduct took place overseas during a terrorism investigation.
Emmett Till sign vandalized again
The damage was done to a historical marker that stands outside the Money, Miss., grocery store where in 1955, Till was accused of flirting with a white woman before being kidnapped and killed.