Crime, Law and Justice

White nationalists: Charlottesville just a beginning
Emboldened and proclaiming victory after a bloody weekend in Virginia, white nationalists are planning more demonstrations to promote their agenda following the violence that left a woman dead and dozens injured.
74 Seconds podcast: What happens now?
A look at some of the lingering impacts of the death of Philando Castile and the trial of Jeronimo Yanez. Plus: An interview with Wesley Lowery, a journalist who tracks police shootings across the U.S.
A judge declined to set bond for an Ohio man during his first court appearance after allegedly ramming a vehicle into a crowd of people demonstrating against a white supremacist rally Saturday in Charlottesville, Va.
Trump condemns KKK, neo-Nazis as 'thugs'
Under pressure all weekend, President Donald Trump on Monday named and condemned hate groups as "repugnant" and declared "racism is evil" in an updated, more forceful statement on the deadly, race-fueled clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Charlottesville victim Heather Heyer 'stood up' against what she felt was wrong
The 32-year-old was killed Saturday after a car rammed a group of people protesting a white nationalist rally in Virginia. Two state troopers responding to the violence died in a helicopter crash.
Trump faulted for not explicitly rebuking white supremacists
President Trump addressed the nation Saturday soon after a car plowed into a group of anti-racist counter-protesters in Charlottesville. The president did not single out any group, instead blaming "many sides" for the violence.