Crime, Law and Justice

Anti-semitism in Minneapolis history
An unsavory part of Minnesota's past: In the 1930's and 1940's, Minneapolis had the dubious distinction of being one of the most anti-Semitic cities in America.
The court challenge begins: Is Trump taking unconstitutional emoluments?
On Wednesday, a federal judge will hear arguments in a case that asks: Is President Trump taking the kind of benefits banned by the Constitution? Step 1 is deciding whether plaintiffs have standing.
The judge's decision enables the protesters to present evidence that the threat of climate change from Canadian tar sands crude is so imminent that they were justified in trying to shut down two Enbridge Energy oil pipelines last year.
Federal judge in Hawaii blocks Trump's third attempt at travel ban
President Trump's third executive order restricting travel from some countries to the U.S. was to go into effect on Wednesday. Like two previous efforts, it was swiftly challenged in several courts.