
Poor spring wheat harvest may mean higher bread and cereal prices
The harvest of winter wheat is just finishing up and combines will move over to the spring wheat harvest this week or early next. Farmers expect $5 per bushel this year. That's up $1.50 over last year. Consumers are seeing an increase in the grocery store but the reason for that might surprise you.
Farmer, world, push conservation spending
Farm subsidies are becoming so expensive some people expect significant changes in federal agricultural policy. If that happens, land and water conservation programs may benefit.
Dry conditions hit some crops hard
Minnesota crops suffered more damage last week as hot, mostly dry conditions dominated the weather. The weekly crop report says corn has been especially hard hit.
South Dakota fields look like winter in July
Farmers and ranchers from central and western part of state are angry about the fifth year in a row without a crop due to drought. They're selling off livestock because there's no grass to graze. Gov. Mike Rounds asked for disaster declaration for 20 counties and the federal government said farmers could cut hay and graze cattle on land set aside for conservation programs.
Drought called 'catastrophic' for region's farmers
Farmers and ranchers in the Dakotas and western Minnesota are facing their fourth and fifth year of abnormally dry weather. U.S. Sen. Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota calls the recent dry spell in the region "catastrophic."
Gypsy moths stalk the North Shore
The battle is beginning against a small brown moth on Lake Superior's north shore. Minnesota's largest infestation to date of gypsy moths was discovered last year in Lake and Cook counties.
Farm installs robotic milkers
Robotic milking machines could help reduce the often crushing workload of operating a dairy farm. At least one Minnesota family is experimenting with the new technology.