Business and Economic News

5 facts about America's income segregation
The Twin Cities actually buck the trend: The metro area is one of the least income segregated large metros in the country.
Some US states with higher minimum wages gain more jobs
The 13 U.S. states that raised their minimum wages at the beginning of this year are adding jobs at a faster pace than those that did not, providing some counter-intuitive fuel to the debate over what impact a higher minimum has on hiring trends.
Rethinking illusion of 'homo economicus'
Standard economic theory assumes that humans behave rationally and are able to objectively calculate the value (or cost) of the different choices they are presented with. In fact, we pride ourselves on our rationality. Different from the animals, we humans have the unique capacity for logical thought and rational decision making. Or do we?
Drivers will find major road closures in the Minneapolis suburbs this weekend.
LIVE National Press Club: Transportation secretary Anthony Foxx
US Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx will speak about increasing U.S. transportation infrastructure spending at a National Press Club luncheon on Monday July 21. Foxx is a former mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina who became transportation secretary last year.