State of the Arts Blog

Fun video that plays with 3D, math and action/reaction
modul / from Zhestkov on Vimeo. I stumbled across this lovely little video on – I like how even in a world of high-tech animation, such simple imagery can still be compelling when done elegantly.
We Art Minnesota: The Midtown Greenway
Michael Croswell of St. Paul sent us this video submission for his favorite piece of Minnesota art. His nomination: the Midtown Greenway. Now already I know what you're thinking. "Midtown Greenway, "that's not art, that's a bike path!" But as you'll see in Michael's video, there's plenty of art to be found along the Greenway.
Want to sponsor a prop?
The Ordway Center for the Performing Arts is taking a unique approach to raising money for its upcoming show, Singin’ In the Rain. For anywhere from $10 – $50 you can “sponsor” a prop in the production. Cosmos’ gal, a cake, a camera or even the wall – the choice is yours. In return you’ll…
A builder of floating worlds suddenly finds himself in one.
MPR’s Euan Kerr reported this morning on Tomas Saraceno’s new exhibition Lighter Than Air at the Walker Art Center. Saraceno likes to create floating worlds that challenge our notions of what can and cannot be. What didn’t make the radio story was an account of the natural world taking Saraceno by surprise. He had travelled…
Your personal tour of a Pre-Raphaelite painting
The Minneapolis Insitute of Arts new exhibition “Sin and Salvation: William Holman Hunt and the Pre-Raphaelite Vision” opens this Sunday. While many people are drawn to pre-raphaelite paintings for their fair skinned beauties and Shakespearean settings, at the heart of the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood was a moral narrative. According to MIA curator Patrick Noon, who was…
We Art Minnesota: The Bracket Park Rocket
We've been asking Minnesotans to share their favorite works of art that belong to the state, and why. People can submit images of themselves with their favorite work of art, or put together a short video if they like (preferably under a minute in length). It can be a piece of public art, something in a Minnesota museum, or even a building you think is particularly lovely. Use your imagination! Once we get enough submissions, we'll look at putting together a map of the state, covered with links to your favorite art. Voila - State of the Arts!
Playwright Tony Kushner spoke at the Guthrie Theater tonight in conversation with artistic director Joe Dowling. Over the course of two hours, Kushner managed to do everything from condemn Ayn Rand ("put your hand in a blender, it's faster") to flirt with the entire Twin City Gay Men's Chorus ("you're all really hot, if I wasn't already married, etc"). While Dowling avoided any mention of recent critical reviews of Kushner's new play The Intelligent Homosexual's Guide to Capitalism and Socialism with a Key to the Sciptures , Kushner himself took a moment to address questions about the plays "readiness:"
Ed Gein: The Musical?
A Wisconsin-based production is shooting a movie called "Ed Gein: The Musical," about the 1950s Plainfield grave robber and insane murderer. It wouldn't be the first time the man's life has inspired art - he's considered the basis for the Norman Bates character in "Psycho." The co-owner of the production company (who will be playing Gein) promises a movie that's historically accurate, funny, and filled with great music.