Ask a bookseller

Every week, The Thread checks in with booksellers around the country about their favorite books of the moment.

Ask a Bookseller: 'The God of Endings'
Josh Hames recommends local writer Jacqueline Holland, new novel, "The God of Endings." It's an unconventional vampire story, Hames says, that's a "genuinely felt human tale as much as it is inhuman."
Ask a Bookseller: 'The Poetics of Wrongness'
Evelyn Bauer of Papercuts Bookshop recommends “The Poetics of Wrongness” by poet Rachel Zucker. She challenges outdated paradigms of motherhood, feminism and poetics.
Ask a Bookseller: 'Here Goes Nothing'
"Here Goes Nothing" by Steve Toltz has whispers of the 1990 film "Ghost" and the NBC comedy "The Good Place," rolled up in an original and humorous tale.