Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Updraft® is your source for Minnesota forecasts and insights from our expert meteorologists, Paul Huttner, Sven Sundgaard and Mandy Thalhuber.

MPR News brings you the latest weather outlook, across all of Minnesota, so you can be better prepared for your day.

Mega Blizzard rages, 2014 Minnesota tornado season opens in March
The crazy weather year of 2014 just got crazier. A major Mega Blizzard rages into early Tuesday from the Dakotas into the Red River Valley and northwest Minnesota. The same system has produced the first tornadoes of the year in Minnesota, in March. The culprit? A wrapped up, wound up major late winter/early spring storm. Read more →
Warmest day of 2014 so far Sunday, wet Monday, milder again late next week?
It’s baby steps into spring this year in Minnesota. This weekend may restore your faith that the season formerly known as spring will actually arrive this year. I know many of us are fragile after the coldest Minnesota winter in 35 years, but I keep trying to remind people that March is usually more winter Read more →
Rain, ice and snow across Minnesota today, wild temp swings ahead
They say all weather is local. That’s certainly true across Minnesota today. Our long anticipated Thursday winter/spring weather system is here. Take your pick of Minnesota weather today. Depending on where you are, there may be fog, rain, ice, snow, dryness, and thunder. Here’s the breakdown on what to expect across Minnesota today as the system Read more →
Weather Whiplash: Slop storm today, 50s and 60s in Minnesota this weekend
As rain transitions to snow across the Twin Cities Thursday afternoon, a reasonable assumption is for a rain snow mix to transition to all snow from northwest to southeast during the afternoon hours.
Wind, warmer, rain, snow and a quiet US tornado year so far
Rapid fire weather changes. That’s the forecast in a nutshell the next few days. Surprised? Nope. This is March in Minnesota after all. Wednesday winds You’ll notice the wind Wednesday. At first it will feel like the same cold wind we’ve enjoyed all winter and early spring. But by later afternoon the breeze grows milder. Read more →