Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Updraft® is your source for Minnesota forecasts and insights from our expert meteorologists, Paul Huttner, Sven Sundgaard and Mandy Thalhuber.

MPR News brings you the latest weather outlook, across all of Minnesota, so you can be better prepared for your day.

Tale of two summers?
Grab a Dome Dog and a bucket of popcorn folks. It’s halftime for summer in Minnesota. How did that happen anyway? This week marks the mid-point of meteorological summer, which runs from June 1 to Aug. 31. Yes, we meteorologists march to a different drummer. The climatological reality is that June through August are the three warmest…
Sudden freak Siberian hailstorm video
It’s like a weather horror story. A beautiful day at the beach. Swimmers playing in the refreshing waters. Suddenly a gust of wind kicks up dust and sand. Next huge hail stones begin to fall. First a few hailstones hit. Within seconds, golf ball sized hail is raining down at 100 mph and pounding people fleeing the beach. Nuff…
Jet stream chaos: Record July MN chill, record BC heat
Clearly the Twin Cities Chamber of Commerce didn’t write the forecast this week. A biting wind rips through Minnesota today as a rare July polar vortex spins overhead. The result? Record books in jeopardy, and baseball fans huddling in their Twins sweatshirt or polar fleece as they watch towering home run shots sail up into the howling…
Super Typhoon Neoguri may be the shake that's helping drive an unusually cold polar vortex into the Upper Midwest Monday.
Brilliant today, rain by morning
Get that round of golf in today. Tee times tomorrow morning may be a little soggy. After a great looking Thursday, the next wave of low pressure spins in overnight tonight.