Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Updraft® is your source for Minnesota forecasts and insights from our expert meteorologists, Paul Huttner, Sven Sundgaard and Mandy Thalhuber.

MPR News brings you the latest weather outlook, across all of Minnesota, so you can be better prepared for your day.

NOAA and NASA about to call 2014 as warmest year?
The case that 2014 was the warmest year on record globally may be about to get confirmation from two separate major US science groups. An inside source tells me NOAA and NASA will likely schedule a joint news conference late next week to confirm 2014 as the warmest year on record globally. Both NOAA and NASA keep separate data sets on global surface temperatures, and are expected to declare the final December data puts 2014 in the top spot as the warmest year on record since 1880. The two organizations usually announce global temperature results separately online, so a joint news conference would be unusu
Icy arctic Friday, thaw one week away
You know it's bad in Minnesota's open country when visibility reach .25 mi in blowing snow at MSP Airport in the relatively sheltered metro confines. Winds gusting to near 50 mph whip up fresh fallen loose powder into snow globe worthy scenes. Blizzard warnings run into Friday.
Climate science and the Keystone XL pipeline
Deliberation and debate resound in the halls of Washington, D.C. these days. Among the hot topics? The proposed Keystone XL pipeline. Keystone would move massive amounts of Canadian “tar sands” oil south to facilities in the southern US. There’s a lot of debate about the politics of Keystone. But what about the science of pumping the…
The next wave of arctic air doesn't look quite as cold as what we've endured so far this week, but it it will bring a snowy swath that will gum up traffic Thursday morning and midday.