Weather chats with Mark Seeley

Minnesota winter remains consistently warm despite artic blast in January

A trace of snow
Just a trace of snow at the Weather Lab in the southwest Twin Cities on Wednesday.
Paul Huttner | MPR News

From November to December and now almost into February, above average temperatures are the new normal this winter season. The combination of only November and December together was the second warmest for those two months in state history.

According to climatologist and meteorologist Mark Seeley, of the Minnesota Climate Adaption Partnership program, it’s estimated the final days of January will average between 15 to 19 degrees Fahrenheit above normal across Minnesota.

Even though we could feel the cold for one week in the middle of the month, those increased temperatures will off-set the average and likely bring the monthly temperature to about five and a half degrees above.

MPR News host Cathy Wurzer spoke with Seeley about what that means for February too, in their weekly weather chat.

Listen to the full conversation using the audio player above.