Marijuana in Minnesota

Navigating marijuana legalization in greater Minnesota

A marijuana plant sits on a counter
A marijuana plant sits potted at a booth for Sticky Finger Seeds, a grower based in Maui, Hawaii, during a celebration at First Avenue in Minneapolis marking the legalization of recreational marijuana on Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2023.
Nicole Neri for MPR News

It’s been more than a month since marijuana became legal in Minnesota and many communities are still reeling at the number of possibilities that may arise from this landmark piece of legislation.

A big part of making this new legal system seamless is creating a licensing procedure for retail sales of cannabis. Though some tribal governments in Minnesota have already opened dispensaries, it could be 2025 until widespread sales begin. Cities and counties across the state are navigating that process and hearing from residents — who either support or have concerns — about legalized marijuana.

Evan Vogel, city administrator for Cambridge, spoke with MPR News host Cathy Wurzer about what his community is facing.

Listen to the full conversation using the audio player above.