Weather chats with Mark Seeley

Rainfall deficits and drought conditions persist this July

Photos of the Mississippi River
This summer’s drought has left Mississippi River water levels near historic lows in St. Paul. It’s about 15 feet lower than at the peak of spring flooding earlier this year.
Andrew Krueger

Although it hasn't always felt like it, we're experiencing below-average temperatures this July, along with rainfall deficits.

Despite some major and damaging storms and large hail, the vast majority of Minnesota has seen less than half the normal rainfall for the month, according to retired meteorologist and climatologist Mark Seeley.

That’s resulted in more than 70 percent of the state being under moderate to extreme drought conditions, the U.S. Drought Monitor reports.

MPR News Correspondent Tim Nelson spoke with Seeley about the dry conditions and a heat wave on the way in Morning Edition’s weekly weather chat.