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Ask a Bookseller: Groundhog’s Day meets freshman year of college

A pink book cover showing two cartoon people.
"See You Yesterday" by Rachel Lynn Solomon.
Courtesy of publisher

Jenny Chou of Boswell Book Company in Milwaukee, Wis., recommends the new YA novel “See You Yesterday” by Rachel Lynn Solomon, which came out May 17.

Barrett Bloom is a freshman in college having a terrible day. She shows up at her Physics 101 class only to be put on the spot in front of everyone for no reason by her unbearably annoying classmate, Miles. She’s never even seen him before! Or has she? Barrett soon figures out that she and Miles are both stuck in a time loop, endlessly repeating Wednesday, Sept. 21st.

“What ensues is hilarious,” Chou says, “and [it] very nearly broke my heart. Writing a book set almost entirely in one day is challenging, but Solomon's creativity makes for a real page turner.”

Yes, Chou says, she instantly thought of “Groundhog’s Day,” the classic 1993 film that has forever stamped its name on day-repeating plot lines; though Chou hastened to add that this YA romance has an excellent and surprising plot twist.

Love getting stuck in time? Check out this past recommendation on Ask a Bookseller.