Art Hounds®

Songs of love and creatives Art Hounds admire

palm trees and a sunset reflected in a car's side mirror
A photo by Lou Ann Marks of Alexandria, Minn.
Courtesy of Lou Ann Marks

Michael Whistler is a huge fan of cabaret, and he plans to attend the Valentine Day’s edition of Dr. Jay’s Cabaret Presents: Cabaret Amore! this Sunday. Dr. Jay is pianist Jay Fuchs who, with his musical partner Eric Schwab, runs Cabaret Camp, where they teach singers to develop their voice and performance style.

Performers in Cabaret Amore are alumni of the camp; and some will be familiar to fans as featured singers as past Dr. Jay Cabaret events. Being this close to Valentine’s Day, the focus of the show is love in its many forms.

The song covers range from Alanis Morrisette to Stephen Sondheim. Whistler says he’s excited to hear how the artists craft these songs to bring the audience into the story “the way only cabaret can.” 

The show is Sunday at 5 p.m. at KJ’s Hideaway in downtown St Paul.

Visual artist Gloria Pfeifer of Starbuck appreciates the strong community of artists working in the Alexandria, Minn., area.

Among them is Lou Ann Marks, whose commitment to taking photographs on her cellphone has won her national awards, including a Reader’s Digest Road Trip Photo contest in 2019. Marks often captures landscapes of water and sky, sometimes with the aid of a crystal ball that bends the scene in interesting ways. Her work is viewable on Instagram and Etsy.

Rick Baumann of Prior Lake, Minn., says he and his wife love attending live music performances in venues large and small. He’s a particular fan of Lakeville, Minn.-based Americana musician Jud Hailey.

Hailey plays at a full lineup of bars and venues across the Twin Cities. While the musician often covers other songs by request, Baumann says he loves seeing a bar audience request – and quiet down to listen to – one of Hailey’s originals.

Find his album “All Good Things” on his website. Hailey next plays at O’Brien’s Public House in Shakopee on Feb. 9 and Steele & Hops in Minneapolis on Feb. 11.

This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.