Art Hounds®

Art Hounds: Capturing the light, sound and joy of the season

Painting by Joshua Cunningham
"Tucked In" by Joshua Cunningham.
Courtesy of Joshua Cunningham

Slow down and look at the beauty around you. That’s what Pacem in Terris Hermitage Retreat Center director Tim Drake is reminded to do when he looks at a painting by Joshua Cunningham. Cunningham’s oil paintings of landscapes across Minnesota capture the seasons.

“He paints places you feel you recognize, even if you've never been there,” Drake said. “They are peaceful, and peace-filled.”

Cunningham started the paintings long before he knew how to finish them. He often would complete them over the course of several visits to the same place.

The exhibit of Cunningham’s work “Further In” is on display at the Groveland Gallery in Minneapolis now through Jan 8.

Painting by Joshua Cunningham
"Crimson Crown" by Joshua Cunningham
Courtesy of Joshua Cunningham

“A Snowy Kiss: An Improvised Holiday Romance Movie” is Jorts Improv’s take on a romantic movie for the holidays, and Shea Roberts Gyllen can’t wait to go. They remember some of the last improv version of “A Snowy Kiss” from before the pandemic: It may have included a small-town homecoming, a meet-cute, an improbable rallying of the entire town, and sentient gingerbread — all of which they said left a warm glow afterward.

This year’s show, with a cast of five and music by Vanessa Tu, promises new takes on holiday movie tropes over its three-day run. It’s “such a ding-dang blast,” Roberts Gyllen said.

The show runs Thursday through Saturday at 8 p.m. at Strike Theater in Minneapolis. Masks and proof of vaccination are required.

Mary Ellen Mueske loves the van Daalen pipe organ at Austin First United Methodist Church in her hometown of Austin, Minn. Mueske says the low notes “rumble your backbone,” and she’s looking forward to the Advent Organ Recital at noon on Dec. 15.

A group of people hug on a stage
Emily Coveyou (left), Katie Novak, Phil Petersen, Pam Mazzone, Ryan Vanasse and Jay Kistler hug as part of the Snowy Kiss show at Strike Theater in 2019.
By Dena Denny

Jan Van Daalen built pipe organs in many churches, colleges and private residences in Minnesota and other states, including at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, N.Y.

The half-hour concert will have boxed to-go lunches available. Guest organist Neal Erickson will play Christmas classics.

This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.