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Ask a Bookseller: A love letter to horror films

Cover of 'My Heart is a Chainsaw'
"My Heart is a Chainsaw," by Stephen Graham Jones.
Courtesy of Simon & Schuster

Lee Francis IV of Red Planet Books and Comics in Albuqueque, N. M., has the perfect horror book leading up to Halloween: “My Heart is a Chainsaw” by Stephen Graham Jones. It’s a coming-of-age story that centers on a murder in a small town. Read it before? Not like this.  

“Stephen Graham Jones has an incredible past a track record as a master of Indigenous horror,” says Francis, “and this book is essentially his love letter to horror films.” In protagonist Jade Daniels, Jones creates an isolated, half-Native teen who retreats from a difficult home life into horror films — only to find herself in one.

Lee adds that Jones’ sense of humor, his deep knowledge of small town life and his understanding of how to write blood and gore work together to create a layered novel that’s an homage to the horror genre.