Crime, Law and Justice

Man shot, wounded by St. Paul police; BCA investigating

Updated: 10:05 a.m.

A St. Paul police officer shot a man being sought in connection with a domestic assault Saturday night.

The wounded man was reported to be in stable condition at Regions Hospital early Sunday. The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is investigating.

According to police, officers were looking for a man in connection with a domestic assault and vehicle crash at about 8 p.m. near the intersection of Rice Street and Maryland Avenue.

The Star Tribune and the Pioneer Press, citing police radio traffic, reported that the man may have been armed with a knife.

At about 9:15 p.m., police said, officers located the man in a dumpster in an alley near the intersection of Rice Street and Magnolia Avenue. Officers reportedly tried to talk the man into surrendering, and used a chemical irritant similar to pepper spray.

"At some point, the man climbed out of the dumpster and ran toward officers, according to preliminary information. Officers deployed Tasers and a K9 in an effort to stop him, and one officer shot the man, who was struck at least twice," police reported in a news release.

The wounded man was treated at the scene and then transported to the hospital; his name has not been released. No officers were hurt.

St. Paul police said the officers were wearing body cameras, and that preliminary reports from the scene are that the cameras were activated during the incident.

All officers involved in the incident have been placed on standard administrative leave.