Crime, Law and Justice

Chief: Protesters vandalize Minneapolis police precinct

Protesters vandalized a Minneapolis police precinct headquarters and targeted officers with fireworks on Saturday night, Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said.

Arradondo said demonstrators marched to the 5th Precinct in south Minneapolis on Saturday night and vandalized the exterior of the building. He said they also targeted officers with “commercial grade fireworks.”

“This unlawful and senseless behavior will not be tolerated. Acts such as these do absolutely nothing to constructively engage and activate true and real needed reforms," Arradondo said in a statement.

He said those who hijack peaceful protests “will be prosecuted to the full extent lawfully.”

Images provided by the Minneapolis Police Department show red paint splattered on the sidewalk and graffiti such as “Blood on your hands” spray-painted on the building.

Officers from other precincts were called in to assist after the group vandalized the building, but authorities said the group dispersed before those officers arrived.

Police spokesman John Elder said Sunday that no officers were hurt and no one has been arrested.

The 5th Precinct saw rioting in the wake of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis. Protesters broke into and burned the 3rd Precinct building.

MPR News contributed to this report.