Crime, Law and Justice

Inmate collapses, dies at Moose Lake prison

Updated: 7:30 a.m. | Posted: 6:04 a.m.

An inmate has collapsed and died while showering at the Moose Lake prison, Minnesota corrections officials said Sunday.

Officials responded immediately after the 48-year-old man collapsed around 9:45 a.m. Sunday and found him in full arrest. Despite life-saving efforts, the man was pronounced dead at the scene.

Authorities said the man had complained of heartburn to fellow inmates before he entered the shower and collapsed. The name of the man was not released.

While the Moose Lake prison is the site of a recent coronavirus outbreak, officials said the inmate was not known to be affiliated with any of the inmates who tested or were presumed positive for COVID-19.

Prison officials said it was the first death the state’s Department of Corrections had in one of its facilities in 2020. There were 10 in-custody deaths last year, two of them sudden, a spokesperson said.

The Moose Lake Police Department is investigating with help from the Department of Corrections-Office of Special Investigations.

MPR News reporter Tim Nelson contributed to this report.