Art Hounds®

Art Hounds: Champagne Confetti in Red Wing

Plus, Art Hounds recommend 'From Puerto Rico ... With Love?' and a celebration of gospel music

Champagne Confetti
Champagne Confetti perform in The Current studio. They'll be in Red Wing on Feb. 29 to perform at the Sheldon Theatre.
Mary Mathis | MPR 2019

Anderson Center’s executive and artistic director Stephanie Rogers has got her tickets for Champagne Confetti at the Sheldon Theatre in Red Wing, Minn., and she highly recommends you join her. Champagne Confetti is the brainchild of Aby Wolf and Eric Mayson, and it brings together some of the finest musical talent in the Twin Cities to create music that defies categorization. You can hear classical, jazz and pop all at once in their tunes. Champagne Confetti performs at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 29.

Poet and English professor Doug Green thinks you should check out “From Puerto Rico … With Love?” The show, which consists of two solo performances, is being remounted by Teatro del Pueblo Thursday through Sunday at the Avalon Theater in Minneapolis. Green says both performances will make you laugh, and will leave you smarter than before when it comes to this unincorporated territory of the United States.

Music lover and occasional gospel singer Marie Denholm is looking forward to "The Sounds of Gospel" this Saturday at Bethel University. The concert, directed by Jevetta Steele, traces the evolution of gospel music and features some great vocal talent. Denholm says it’s a great way to mark Black History Month while enjoying some powerful, uplifting music.

This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.