Arts and Culture

Art Hounds: Rod Massey's paintings offer 'Concrete Evidence'

Painter Rod Massey's latest exhibition captures the majesty of industrial buildings. Plus, Art Hounds recommend a new blues album by Johnny Somebody and art about being black and female in Duluth.

Painting of an industrial building
"Conveyor II" by Rod Massey is on display in his exhibition "Concrete Evidence" at Groveland Gallery in Minneapolis. The show runs through Nov. 30.
Groveland Gallery

Photographer Stuart Klipper is a longtime fan of painter Rod Massey. Over the years, Massey’s paintings have shifted from Minneapolis residential neighborhoods to more industrial fare. Klipper says his latest show, “Concrete Evidence,” captures the majesty of buildings most people never give a second glance. Klipper was particularly charmed by some of Massey’s smaller paintings, which pay homage to humble valves and pipes. On display through Nov. 30.

Jazz guitarist Andre Bergeron recently discovered the music of local blues artist Jonny Somebody. Bergeron says he’s particularly captivated by Somebody’s lyrics, which draw you in and hold you. Bergeron was particularly struck by Somebody’s song “Lazarus Rising” which wrestles with police brutality against African Americans. Somebody’s new album is called “I’ve Been Blind.”

Arts enthusiast and community activist Mary Cowen went to the opening of the show “Umbra” by artist Terresa Moses. Moses’ work focuses on the experiences of black women living in Duluth. Cowen says the exhibition is both a window into these women’s lives and a call to action for viewers to show their support for black women in the community. The show runs through Nov. 30 in the Zeitgeist Atrium in Duluth.

This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.