Weather chats with Mark Seeley

Today will likely be the hottest-feeling day of the year

Hot and humid. Nay, infernal and steaming. Nay, extremely infernal and very boiling.

The heat wave hitting the Midwest this week will likely make today the hottest-feeling day of the year with feels-like temperatures surpassing 110 degrees in some parts of the state.

Please, limit your time outside and drink enough water.

A big factor in driving just how oppressive it will feel outside is the dew point. The Twin Cities is approaching 100 hours with dew points above 70 degrees. Whenever dew points reach above 70, you can expect the National Weather Service to issue a heat advisory of some type.

You may have noticed that all this water vapor has fueled thunderstorms all. month. long. Over 130 climate stations reported four or more inches of rain for the month, with a few places seeing over eight inches.

Oh, and there’s also a chance of severe weather like heavy rain and tornadoes.

If you need a silver lining, a cold front is moving in this weekend to cool things off.

MPR’s Cathy Wurzer spoke with University of Minnesota professor emeritus Mark Seeley about the week in weather.

Click audio player to hear their conversation.