'The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee': Moving beyond tragedy

Author David Treuer and his book "The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee."
Author David Treuer and his book "The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee."
Portrait courtesy of Nisreen Breek

The history of Native Americans is often told as one of struggles and tragedy. David Treuer, an Ojibwe from the Leech Lake Reservation in northern Minnesota, was shaken by such interpretations of Native history. His new book "The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee" tells of the survival and persistence of a culture that remains rich.

Treuer's book traces Native American history, from the Battle of Wounded Knee to the present, with a focus on transformation in each new era of history.

MPR News host Kerri Miller spoke to Treuer about his new book and how we can shift the way we talk about Native American history.

To listen to the full conversation you can use the audio player above.