Answering your questions on the Mueller probe

Robert Mueller
Robert Mueller photographed at FBI Headquarters in Washington, Monday, Oct. 28, 2013.
Charles Dharapak | AP 2013

Last week we got a hint of what special counsel Robert Mueller has been up to.

A jury found Paul Manafort, the president's former campaign chairman, guilty on eight counts.

Within minutes another major revelation broke. The president's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen entered a guilty plea.

Does this signal that the process is coming to an end? Or have we just reached the tip of the iceberg?

MPR News host Kerri Miller spoke with two lawyers about what we know so far:

Tom Heffelfinger, a former U.S. Attorney for the State of Minnesota

Randall Eliason, a law professor at George Washington University

Use the audio player above to hear the full conversation.