Is President Trump remaking the Republican Party in his own image?

Minnesota GOP convention
The stage is set for the Minnesota GOP state nominating convention earlier this month on June 1, 2018, in Duluth.
Mark Zdechlik | MPR News

President Trump is in Duluth today for a political rally, and Minnesotans are fired up.

During the last presidential election, Trump did not win in Minnesota, but he came pretty close— especially since the state has gone blue since 1976.

What do Minnesotans think of President Trump now that he has been in office for well over a year?

MPR News Host Kerri Miller asked Jennifer Carnahan, the Minnesota state chair for the GOP, and Russell Berman, a staff writer at the Atlantic, about what Minnesotans think of having President Trump at the helm of the Republican Party and how will those feelings affect the midterms in the fall.

Use the audio player above to hear the full discussion.