What does your America look like?

Penumbra Theatre Company in St. Paul recently asked Minnesotans to share their experiences of life in America. They then took twelve finalists and helped them to develop their work for the stage.

The results paint a vibrant picture of the hopes and struggles of an increasingly diverse country called, "My America." MPR sponsored the program.

Using the audio player above you can hear the work of three contributors, plus a discussion with the creators of the program. The hour was hosted by MPR News' Marianne Combs, she was joined by Penumbra's artistic director Sarah Bellamy and Isabell LaBlanc, one of the contributors.

Here are the contributors and the names of their work, in the order they were played:

Isabella LaBlanc "Proposed Adjustments to American History Curriculum"

Rebekah Crisanta de Ybarra "The Crocodile Story"

Wendy Thompson Taiwo "Black is a Country"

Use the audio player above to hear the program.