How often do school shootings happen?

More than 1,000 mourners attended a candlelight vigil last night in Parkland, Florida to remember the 17 people killed earlier this week at a local high school.

Wednesday's shooting is the third deadliest school shooting in American history. It comes after the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007 in which 32 people died, and the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, which resulted in 26 deaths, including 20 first graders.

There have been several news stories in recent days about the frequency of school shootings in this country, and frankly sometimes the numbers don't add up. Washington Post reporter Philip Bump joined host Marianne Combs to provide some facts around school shootings. Bump tracks school shootings — and mass shootings — in the U.S.

Then, John Enger shared his reporting on what Minnesotan schools officials have learned from school shootings and how they're working to protect their children.

Listen to both segments by using the audio player above.