Big questions in health care: What role should insurance companies have?

HealthPartners CEO Mary Brainerd
HealthPartners CEO Mary Brainerd in 2015 at MPR News in St. Paul, Minn.
Mark Zdechlik | MPR News

While recent headlines are focusing on the future of the Affordable Care Act, Mary Brainerd offered an intriguing view of what the future of health care and health insurance might be.

The recently-retired CEO of HealthPartners spent 15 years as head of a unique model in health care systems — the company is both a heath insurance provider and a direct care provider. You can have insurance via HealthPartners; you can also go to a HealthPartners clinic or hospital for care.

With that knowledge, what does Brainerd think should be the future of health care and health insurance? Is single payer an option? Is the current Graham-Cassidy measure? How can we control costs?

To hear Brainerd answer those questions, and others, use the audio player above.

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